komun di wilayah ragusa bahasa Inggris
- komun: commune
- di: about; at; at the; of which; on; there; where
- wilayah: borough; district; terr.; territorial; territory;
- wilayah ragusa: province of ragusa
- ragusa: ragusa; dubrovnik
- komun di wilayah agrigento: list of municipalities of the province of agrigento
- komun di wilayah alba: communes in alba county
- komun di wilayah alessandria: list of municipalities of the province of alessandria
- komun di wilayah ancona: list of municipalities of the province of ancona
- komun di wilayah arezzo: list of municipalities of the province of arezzo
- komun di wilayah asti: list of municipalities of the province of asti
- komun di wilayah avellino: list of municipalities of the province of avellino
- komun di wilayah bari: list of municipalities of the metropolitan city of bari
- komun di wilayah belluno: list of municipalities of the province of belluno
- komun di wilayah benevento: list of municipalities of the province of benevento